Sunday, December 15, 2013

7 Tips for Praying as a Family by Elizabeth Russell (Vyrso advertisement)

Covering Your Life in Prayer

7 Tips for Praying as a Family

Many people view prayer simply as a two-way conversation between themselves and God—something that’s both private and silent. But what if you also started using prayer as a means of communicating with others? Prayer is a powerful tool, so why not rely on it for more than just your conversations with God, but also your family’s conversations with God and each other? Here are seven tips for bringing prayer into your family’s daily life:

1. Pray consistently

Make family prayer a habit. Set aside a time each week when everyone comes together to share their requests and speak to God. Make it easy by having it occur when everyone is already together, like after dinner or before breakfast.

2. Keep a written record

Write down everyone’s prayer requests. Each week, keep track of which ones are answered—and remember that God often answers prayers in unexpected or indirect ways!

3. Say grace before meals

Make praying before meals an ingrained custom for the whole family. If you weren’t already doing this, then praying prior to meals is a great first step toward implementing further prayer into your family’s lifestyle. Don’t forget about when you’re at restaurants, too—you may be setting a good example for more people than you realize.

4. Give thanks

Many blessings often go unnoticed until they’re gone—health, safety, family members. Make the first priority in your prayer time to give thanks to God for all things—big and small—that he’s given you.

5. Keep it conversational

This is an intimate time to spend with your family and God—it’s not a sermon or seminary class. Help keep the lines of communication open and comfortable for everyone by setting the tone in a simple, conversational manner.

6. Post reminders

Keep the list of prayer requests in a place the whole family will see them consistently. Perhaps on the door of the fridge, or taped to the bathroom mirror. It’s encouraging to know that everyone is praying for you beyond the prayer time you spend together.

7. Continue the dialogue

Use your weekly prayer time as a new opportunity to further awareness of what’s going on in your family’s everyday life. Praying together opens the way for further dialogue and encouragement throughout the week.

What advice do you have for praying together as a family or with friends? Share your ideas in the comments below!

Learn more about integrating prayer into your daily life with the Powerful Prayer Bundle—get it for 70% off, today only!
Here’s what you’ll get:
This bundle expires December 11 at 7:59 a.m. (EST), so don’t wait—download the Powerful Prayer Bundle today!

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